Want to Join Morden Little League? Join our Football Trials! From this Saturday!

Upcoming trials that start on Saturday 20th April.

Please note, that you are allowed, and its is best to try and attend ALL 3 days. (27th April and 4th May)


All players should wear a full kit including shin pads (these are compulsory) and football boots.

We do have a stock of second-hand boots and brand-new shin pads you can purchase.

Although we do have a well-stocked café for food and drink, it is always best to bring water for the players.


Directions to King Georges Playing Fields, Tudor Drive, Morden can be found on our website: https://www.mordenlittleleague.co.uk/parents


Here are the timings:

All Girls Trials (Current school years 1-8)

10.00am. Registration opens 30 minutes prior.

Boys (Current school years 1-2)

11.00am. Registration opens 30 minutes prior.

Boys (Current school years 3-7)

09.30am. Registration opens 30 minutes prior.

Each trial should last around 60 minutes.


Please note that the first two dates of the trials (20th and 27th) our regular teams will be playing, and it will be extremely busy with 700/800 players and parents coming and going.

The Car Park only takes 35 cars, and you are advised to cycle, walk or take public transport. Alternative parking can be found at The Assembly Rooms in Lower Morden Lane, Asda on Stonecot Hill (Check boards for rules) or street parking.


We hope to locate our ‘Registration Tent’ outside the café/pavilion building, weather depending. If not, it will be inside the pavilion.


Meanwhile, you will be pleased to know that Morden Little League is a registered charity and we have provided FREE football for 57 years We are self funding and apart from revenue from our café we rely on parents making donations by getting involved in our social events/fundraising.

There are donation ‘Tap’ machines available on the day.


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